[Devlog 3] Admonitions

Nathan Luong | May 9, 2023 15

🤔 What's new?

The blogs will now support Admonitions and Callouts.



Like this one


Or this Contentless warning callout

Regular quotes are still supported with ">"

Regular quotes will have a lower visual hierachy.

Quotes can also be nested like Admonitions

👉 Examples


Default Information Callout

This is a default Information callout


Themeless Callout

Themeless with custom icons


Contentless Notes Callout


Recursive Rendering within Admonitions

This AI code will destroy humanity:

def dogOrBagel():
    return random.choice(["Dog", "Bagel"])


Nested Admonitions


Nested Adminition 1


Nested Adminition 2

Pretty neat huh!

🤔 How was the feature developed?

Custom Remark Plugin

A custom remark plugin was implemented with contingent usage of remarkDirective.

  export function remarkDirectiveHelper() {
    return (tree) => {
      visit(tree, (node) => {
        if (
          node.type === "textDirective" ||
          node.type === "leafDirective" ||
          node.type === "containerDirective"
        ) {
          const data = node.data || (node.data = {});
          const hast = h(node.name, node.attributes);
          data.hName = hast.tagName;
          data.hProperties = hast.properties;

The custom plugin transforms the following markdown, into the following HTML element:

  :::info{title="Information Tag"}
    This is a callout
    <p>This is a callout</p>

The MarkdownComponent.tsx component can then pick up the parsed HTML element and transform it into native div components that are widely supported across browsers.

  info: ({
    title = "Info",
    icon = "ℹī¸",
  }: CallOutProps) => {
    return (
        className={`success border-l-[#5d74f9] bg-[#5d74f933] ${className} border-l-[5px]`}
        <div className="flex w-full">
          <h1 className="text-white text-xl">{icon}</h1>
          <h1 className="text-xl text-[#addaff]">{title}</h1>
        <div className="indent-5">{children}</div>

Metadata such as title, icon, className can be passed as parameters and parsed into the following UI element.


Information Tag

This is a callout

Thanks for your time! đŸĨ